Thursday, September 8, 2011

Direct Current(DC)

Direct current(DC) is a unidirectional movement of electron from a negative(-) to a more positive(+) side in a closed circuit or loop. It is made possible by a circuit consisting of a source(such as battery), a conducting path(wires), and normally, a load(bulb).

Alternating Current(AC)

Alternating current(AC) is a movement of electric charge that changes polarity(negative to positive or vice versa) in a periodic manner. Commonly it is in a form of a sine wave.

PLS CADD Basic 1: PLS CADD Environment

Opening a PLS CADD software, you will find these following basic views:

1. Plan - Top view of a project power line route. 


What can PLS CADD do for you?

The advent of advance computer aided design software has brought us to greater heights.  Designs of the largest to smallest details for every vehicles, buildings, and other engineering structures had become less taxing with these help within our reach. Looking around us, we could say that almost all were built because of engineering efforts. Built with quality, timeliness and cost efficiency in mind.

Monday, September 5, 2011


PLS CADD or Power Line Systems Computer Aided Design and Drafting is a powerful design software used in overhead power lines analysis and design. It has the capability of doing various engineering considerations involved in the power line systems. Starting from surveying to layouts, to structural, and lastly to the drafting. All of these capabilities are bundled into one single software and thus increases efficiency in terms of information retention and sharing. Not to mention its powerful tool in providing the users a complete and  detailed profile and plan drawings.