Thursday, September 8, 2011


What can PLS CADD do for you?

The advent of advance computer aided design software has brought us to greater heights.  Designs of the largest to smallest details for every vehicles, buildings, and other engineering structures had become less taxing with these help within our reach. Looking around us, we could say that almost all were built because of engineering efforts. Built with quality, timeliness and cost efficiency in mind.

Behind all these successes are the proper management of resources(whether manpower, materials, or tools/equipment) being used. Manpower and sometimes materials might not change that much but the tools we need could determine how far can we go with our goals. These might be physical equipment like heavy prime movers, hand held tools, safety tools and etc. It could also be the intangible tools we used to design, simulate, analyze, keep track of records and progress, and allocate resources. Examples of which are those softwares we used to calculate numerical values that seems to be tedious for us to do manually. With it, every sought-after results is just a click away. 

Lots of computer aided design softwares are available in the market today. Most common of these were AutoCAD, IntelliCAD, PLS CADD and many to mention. As a transmission line engineer, we trust PLS CADD as a tool which would simplify most of our tasks. 

Nowadays, PLS CADD  has a become a need for all "world class" engineers. Whether you are an ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, a CIVIL/STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, or a GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. It is made to cater various concerns in engineering design and analysis regarding overhead power lines. It allows user to choose power line route depending on terrain locations and availability, design structures such as poles, towers, and lines hardware in per material bases, simulate best and optimum design options, analyze result based on these options, and lastly, document all your works presentably.

PLS CADD is composed of a diversed numerical ideas and calculation shrinked into a workable user-friendly computer application. If you already have any basic ideas about power lines, you would be only worrying the familiarization of its icon and relevant sheets. Give yourself a day and you will find that roaming around the workspace is as simple as ABC.

Your end in mind when using PLS CADD is to get a more accurate and better result with your power lines design by simulating possibilities you can come up with. Simulating would sound idealistic but what we put into our simulation  are actual values. So doing it in PLS CADD would give us a closer to reality result with high degree of acceptability. Instead of doing costly and time consuming tests, it much wiser to spend reasonable dollar by investing a software such as this one.

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